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The Community

Construction is underway at Balsawood Village.  Located in the heart of Spring Lake, the subdivision will provide decent, safe and affordable housing that is conveniently located near shopping centers, restaurants, and medical service providers.  There will be 20 single-family homes for homeownership and 8 townhomes that will be available for rent. Each home offers a spacious floor plan with 3 bedrooms and at least 2 full baths.  The homes are energy efficient and include amenities such as residential sprinkler systems, sidewalks and benches in the common area, a playground, and is an environmentally sustainable community with plenty of green space.


Rain barrels will be installed at each home, which is an excellent way to reduce runoff, keep storm water out of the municipal system, and save money.  Rain water can be used for activities such as washing cars, watering plants, and watering lawns and gardens.  Kingdom CDC will not only provide affordable housing, but also create an environmentally friendly community by reducing the environmental impact of the new homes, lessening the burden on Spring Lake’s existing municipal system, and saving residents money on their water and sewer bills.




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